Episode 10 - David Brinkman

Today we hear from David Brinkman, Chief Executive Officer & President of DAP. During his tenure, DAP Health was named one of the “Top 20 HIV/AIDS Charities” and Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator, awarded DAP Health “four-star status” for 10 consecutive years.

We talk about DAP and David’s unique journey from a childhood in Iowa to Palm Springs and leading DAP. And we talk about service, compassion, and imagining a better world - then working to build it. And, of course, we talk about the fabulous Steve Chase Humanitarian Awards.

Podcast produced by www.oesounds.com.

You May Find Yourself Podcast Season 01 Episode 10. Today’s guest is David Brinkman.


Episode 11 - Jon O’Brien


Episode 09 - Anthony Winston