Episode 14 - Dr. Niels Mueller-Wickop

Today we hear from Dr. Niels Mueller-Wickop. After spending a year travelling the world, Niels co-founded JoinMyTrip, a travel-tech startup based in Hamburg, Germany. (Niels divides his time between Hamburg and Beirut.) Niels graduated Magna cum Laude from the University of Hamburg. He’s a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information System Science. He’s pretty smart.

Niels and his team have done a bunch of original thinking on questions of work, and of travel, and the platform they’ve built brings together adventurous souls who want to see the world and build community. So we talk about that.

This episode ties together a bunch of themes we’ve been exploring on this podcast. Like: how to get the most out of work. Like: how to stimulate creativity? Like: making space for work and for play.

Have a listen.

You May Find Yourself Podcast Season 01 Episode 14. Today’s guest is Dr. Niels Mueller-Wickop.


Episode 15 - Dr. S. Pete Worden (Brig. Gen., USAF, ret.)


Episode 13 - Steve Peixotto